This carving has style.
When you look at the fish from both sides, it is green – oops then it is brown. How does he do that? He doesn’t , mother nature does.
This piece of Brazilian soapstone makes up the base and the whole fish. The glorious other side of this piece (which you will have to check out the store pages to see) is a golden brown. Turn the fish, different look. Two fish for the price of one.
How this carving came about was that I was on a tear for awhile making fish art for a a client that wanted his own jumping salmon, going fishing with a buddy and dreaming about all thinks wet and slimy. I think it paid off with this carving. A very realistic nature rendition if I do say so myself . And with the clear lacquer just the right touch of shiny as he just jumped out from the stream.
If I was dreaming of making more art – which I usually am , it would be to create a separate bear piece reaching in for the fish. I have done this before as one piece but if it was 2 pieces the bear would have to be about 2 ft tall in order to get the correct perspective. Do have a mantle that big? Or a desk in your office? I could make it. And come to think of it , I have carved a large bear or two. Hmmm. I am always thinking of the next project. This might be it. Now to come up with a big enough piece of stone….
Got it.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Keep doing what you love and 2018 will be awesome!!!